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Service Details

CloudTrail logs all API calls made to the control plane for supported services. The vast majority of AWS services are supported, but the official list can be found atCloudTrail Supported Services and Integrations - AWS CloudTrail. CloudTrail serves as the key log source for all control-plane activity within an AWS account.

To list CloudTrails in the current account in the eu-west-1 region, the following CLI command can be used:

aws cloudtrail list-trails --region eu-west-1

Event Types

There are three key event types in CloudTrail: management, data and insights.

Management events

Event logs of API calls made against the core AWS API to create, modify or delete AWS resources. Examples include creating EC2 instances, modifying an S3 bucket policy, or deleting a Lambda function.

In addition, CloudTrail separates all events into either "read" or "write" actions. CloudTrail allows the configuration to log one or both type of events.

  • Read events can be defined as requests that do not make changes, listing EC2 instances for example.
  • Write events can be defined as requests that do make changes, such as creating a new lambda function.

Further information can be found at Logging management events for trails

Data events

Event logs operations inside a resource, rather than against it. These are typically high volume, and are charged in addition to the standard CloudTrail. At the time of the last update, the following were recorded.

  • Amazon S3 object-level API activity (for example, GetObject, DeleteObject, and PutObject API operations) on buckets and objects in buckets
  • AWS Lambda function execution activity (the Invoke API)
  • Amazon DynamoDB object-level API activity on tables (for example, PutItem, DeleteItem, and UpdateItem API operations)
  • Amazon S3 on Outposts object-level API activity
  • Amazon Managed Blockchain JSON-RPC calls on Ethereum nodes, such as eth_getBalance or eth_getBlockByNumber
  • Amazon S3 Object Lambda access points API activity, such as calls to CompleteMultipartUpload and GetObject
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs, such as PutSnapshotBlock, GetSnapshotBlock, and ListChangedBlocks on Amazon EBS snapshots
  • Amazon S3 API activity on access points
  • Amazon DynamoDB API activity on streams
  • AWS Glue API activity on tables

Insights events

Unusual API call rates or error rates can be logged by CloudTrail Insights, if enabled on a trail. The events track associated API, error code, incident time, and statistics around what raised the Insights event. These events are only triggered when call or error rates differ significantly from your account's baseline activity. Elevated access denied error rates may be useful for identifying attacker enumeration or reconnaissance activity, and thus might well be worth enabling in situations where similar capability isn't present in the SIEM or other detection solutions in use within an organization.

What gets logged?

An example CloudTrail log is included below.

{"Records": [{
"eventVersion": "1.0",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "IAMUser",
"principalId": "EX_PRINCIPAL_ID",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"accessKeyId": "EXAMPLE_KEY_ID",
"userName": "Alice"
"eventTime": "2014-03-24T21:11:59Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "CreateUser",
"awsRegion": "us-east-2",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "aws-cli/1.3.2 Python/2.7.5 Windows/7",
"requestParameters": {"userName": "Bob"},
"responseElements": {"user": {
"createDate": "Mar 24, 2014 9:11:59 PM",
"userName": "Bob",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Bob",
"path": "/",

Key fields from a security perspective include:

  • userIdentity - a block defining the IAM entity making the API call
  • eventTime - event timestamp
  • eventSource - the AWS service generating the event
  • eventName - the API call that was made
  • sourceIPAddress - the IP address from which the API call originated
  • requestParameters - the API call parameters
  • responseElements - the results of the API call

Key Caveats for CloudTrail

  • Delivery of events to S3 buckets is not done instantaneously and they are done in batches. Events are delivered every 5 minutes, up to 15 minutes delay, for a theoretical max delay of 20 minutes. In practice, longer times have been observed on occasion.
  • CloudTrail is enabled for the past 7 days as the account's event history, but it's not logged to somewhere you can access it out of the UI and CloudTrail APIs.

Assessment Notes

The best option is to have all AWS accounts owned by an organization in an AWS Organization, and use an Organization-wide trail. This allows all logs to be centrally gathered across all AWS accounts. Every Organization should have at least one CloudTrail created that:

  • Is configured to log all regions (is a multi-region trail)
  • Is configured to log global service events (which includes IAM, amongst other things)
  • Has log validation enabled (and that they do actually validate the log files before ingestion)
  • Is encrypted, preferably with a customer managed key (CMK) - marked as SSE-KMS in the UI.
  • Has MFA delete enabled on the S3 bucket, if possible
  • Is configured to retain for at least 3 months
    • S3 object lifecycle management can be used to to purge or to move to Glacier for long-term storage on a set schedule, if logs are sent to an S3 bucket
  • Has access to both the S3 bucket and the KMS CMK restricted to the bare minimum number of staff and roles, either by resource policies or by IAM roles
  • The S3 bucket used should be hosted in a dedicated logging or management account, to minimise the risk of someone compromising the main account and altering logs.

CloudTrail should ideally be integrated with CloudWatch and a secondary, real-time log delivery mechanism to bypass the delivery delays associated with S3. A common pattern is combining CloudWatch with Kinesis for delivery into a SIEM.

Secondary Trails

Additional trails may be desired in some accounts to log specific data events, or to provide logs directly to application developers. Generally, any security benefits of limiting who can see CloudTrail logs are far outweighed by the downsides associated with reduced developer visibility. As such, one of the following should also be adopted:

  • A centralised process to provide access to CloudTrail logs to developers
  • Appropriate permissions to allow developers to deploy and manage their own trails in accounts they are responsible for.

CloudTrail Log Security

Attackers are likely to attempt to modify or delete logs to cover their tracks. In addition, there's often a lot of detailed metadata stored in them, and so an attacker could gather a lot of information about your AWS environment. It's worth ensuring that:

  • Use IAM policies to restrict access to the S3 bucket containing the log files
  • Encrypt logs with SSE-S3 or SSE-KMS
  • Prevent malicious deletion by:
    • Restricting delete access with IAM
    • Enabling MFA delete on the S3 bucket
  • Enable log file validation to ensure logs haven't been deleted or tampered with, and then validate the log signatures against the AWS public keys prior to ingestion into any monitoring platforms